A Look at Baillie's Boonville Sawmill Operation with Paul Snider

Procurement forester Paul Snider talks to The Northern Logger about Baillie Lumber, a major hardwood lumber producer in the northeastern US. Paul speaks about Baillie’s Boonville operation, his experiences as a procurement forester, how the industry has changed in recent years, and the current economic climate. He also offers some advice for young people who are interested in getting into the forest sector. 

This episode is sponsored by John Deere. Raise your game with Intelligent Boom Control. With IBC, loggers take control of the forest with easy-to-learn functionality and enhanced productivity.

To become a member of the Northeastern Loggers' Association or subscribe to The Northern Logger and Timber Processor magazine, visit https://www.northernlogger.com/

Magazine preview

The Vermont Forest Business School Recruits “Crooked Trees”

Do you ever feel like a crooked tree? You’re not alone. In this episode, Steven Bick introduces his Vermont Forest Business School (FBS) program by sharing a recording of an alumni session from earlier this year. During the workshop, participants discuss the lyrics to the song “Crooked Tree” by Molly Tuttle and use them as a jumping-off point for conversation around their personal experiences as professionals in the logging industry, including owning their own business, forestry best practices, and perceptions of the industry. Steven also gives a brief introduction to FBS, how it all got started, and how you can apply.

Molly Tuttle’s “Crooked Tree” lyrics

Listen to Molly Tuttle’s “Crooked Tree” on YouTube

More information about the Vermont Forest Business School: https://vtfbs.com/

To become a member of the Northeastern Loggers' Association or subscribe to The Northern Logger and Timber Processor magazine, visit https://www.northernlogger.com/

Magazine preview

Thompson Native Lumber: Milling in an Ever-changing Landscape

Learn how Thompson Native Lumber, a mid-sized mill in Hopkinton, RI, has thrived for over six decades. The mill has maintained a healthy balance sheet through diversification and finding niche markets amid the ever-changing forest products industry landscape. You'll hear Jim Thompson discuss the evolution of his family-owned and operated mill since the mid-1950s, his diverse range of products, agile production methods, and more.

Thanks to this month's sponsor, John Deere. Unlock your potential and experience a new level of innovation with Intelligent Boom Control (IBC), John Deere's latest operator assistance feature.

To become a member of the Northeastern Loggers' Association or subscribe to The Northern Logger and Timber Processor magazine, visit https://www.northernlogger.com/